16 March 2007

Astrid Lindgren Award

The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2007 goes to the Venezuelan institution Banco del Libro.

The jury’s motivation is as follows:

"In a true pioneering spirit, with ingenuity and a sheer determination, the Banco del Libro has constantly sought new ways of disseminating books and promoting reading among children in Venezuela. Enthusiasm, professionalism, closeness to the children and a refreshing lack of bureaucracy are the hallmarks of the Banco del Libro’s work, whether in shanty towns, mountain villages, universities or out in cyberspace."

I'm still alive

I have gotten e-mail from some of my few readers inquiring if the blog is still being updated. The answer is... Yes, but I don't know how often. I am a bit ashamed at how lax I have grown in posting as of late. There are many times throughout each week when I happen upon something I'd like to blog, but... Life is a bit crap right now and seems to keep getting in the way. It's nothing too serious (I hope). I am just exhausted and overworked and having some peronal issues that may come to a sad end eventually. So, I apologize to those of you who continue to visit the page, hoping to find something new only to be disappointed. I am going to try to get back on track, but can't make any promises right now.

01 March 2007

Some (potentially) great new movies coming...

(... or, with really bad luck, films that will make those of us who love books quite unhappy!)

I am eagerly awaiting The Golden Compass, based of the first book in Philip Pullman's incomparably amazing His Dark Materials series. It isn't due in theaters until December 2007, but that's okay. It gives me plenty of time to re-read the series before I go see the film. And, yes. Even though Science Boy and I have been too tired to go see any movies for a long while, I *will* be going to the show for this one! No trailer yet, but I have high hopes (although I fully expect the religious aspects of the story to be sanitized to make it more palatable to the mainstream audience the film hopes to attract.

Also coming soon... Inkheart, based on the eponymous novel by that brilliant German, Cornelia Funke! Can I just say on thing? I LOVE THAT BOOK!!! And, really - what book lover wouldn't love a book wherein characters can leave their books and live in our world? (Although, for those of you who have not read this yet, I should offer the caveat that this is not the wonderful thinkg it might seem to be.) I always give copies of the book as prizes in work programs. Usually the kids want nothing to do with it at first -- it's a long book! -- but by the time I finish giving them a summary, they're arguing over who gets to have it. (Oh! And surfing about a bit just told me that she has finished the manuscript of the third book, although it will likely be another year before it is available.)

I don't know if either of these films will be good. No doubt they will disappoint at least a smidge after living in my imagination for a while. However, i have high hopes. I hope they are FABULOUS and bring many more children (and adult) readers to the books which are, without a doubt, some of the best books around.