26 March 2005

Peep! Peep!

It's that time of year again. Gram sent me to the store to get peeps for her the other day, Ellen discussed the sugary lumps of marshmallow-y goodness with Bernie Mac, one of my friends has gotten some stuffed peeps for her home...

So, on an unrelentingly s-l-o-w day at the library, I thought I would revisit the Peep Research Project, one of my favorite silly web sites. The St. Paul Pioneer Press had a "Marshmallow Peeps Diorama Contest" and posted photos. If you're more of a science-y type, you may prefer to study Peep Surgery. And, if you prefer a hands-on experiment, one of my friends like to stick toothpicks in two peeps, put them in the microwave, and watch them fencing...

Happy Easter to all!

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