14 July 2004

Happy Birthday, Woody!

Today marks the 92nd anniversary of the birth of America's greatest troubadour, Woodrow Wilson Guthrie.

I should be leaving for Oklahoma for the Woody Guthrie Folk Festival today, but unforseen scheduling challenges at work have made it necessary for me to stay home this year.

Sigh. No use weeping about what can't be changed.

Anyway, back to Woody.

Hmm. Are there even words? I love, love, love his music, and have made it a personal mission to share it with the kids I work with. Every library I have worked in thus far owns the picture books based on Woody's songs. We always begin storytimes with "Howdi Do" and end with "So Long, It's Been Good to Know Ya," so the kids get to know Woody's music and books are almost always checked out.

Her's hoping his music lives for many years more!

"This world is your world. Take it easy, but take it."

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