18 April 2011

T-Minus 32 weeks...

How Far Along?
32 weeks and 1 days. Only (approximately) 55 days to go! Less than TWO MONTHS! Crazy!

Appts coming up?
I have an appointment Friday morning. I get to go every two weeks now. Woo-hoo!

Thoughts about where you're at in your pregnancy?
It's so crazy. Seems super real and completely surreal at the same time. The Baby is moving all the time. In some ways, I can't wait for June 12 to get here so we can meet our little person. On the other hand, I love being pregnant and want it to last.

What are you working on?
Finally inventoried the mountain of gifts Tex has received from our amazing and generous friends and family and got all the thank you cards written and sent. We picked up the crib this past weekend. My Sweetheart and his Dad are hoping to paint the Baby's room in the next week or so, so we have to get the cat's box moved out of there!

Complaints or worries?
Occasional heartburn, but nothing serious. My big complaint is about the weather. I want SUNSHINE! It is time to wear dresses and skirts every day, but I need it to warm up. Just a smidge. Pleeeease?

Nope. Less hungry than usual, though.

Happy moments/blessings?
Me and Brooke-Lynn
at the co-ed Baby Shower
10 April 2011
There are SO MANY! Two of my friends hosted a co-ed Baby shower for us on April 10. I was *sooo* happy to have some of my favorite library pals in attendance and was touched by how much love was shown to us. It was also mice to have a bunch of kids here, all getting along. My nieces are super excited about the new Baby, so I loved them being here, too. The Boy stayed with us the night before the Shower and was super helpful making sure the house was clean and ready.

The day before the shower, we held a surprise 60th birthday party for my father at Richton Perk. The shop was packed full with friends, family and customers. Family came from Wisconsin and friends Dad hadn't seen in years were there. We noticed him tearing up when one particular friend walked in. I loved hanging out with Payton and Brooke-Lynn, especially when Brooke-Lynn started singing out, "Baby! Baby! Where *are* you!" and Payton poked my belly and told Brooke-Lynn the Baby was in there. So sweet.

Tex's first live concert,
listening to the Jaywalkers
16 April 2011
Went to see The Jaywalkers at the local bar Saturday past. Great show and my Sweetheart had me laughing so hard my stomach hurt. The Baby danced like crazy all night - clearly I'm growing a music fan!

My Sweetheart brought me beautiful flowers last Sunday morning, which are brightening up our mantel. I am lucky to be married to such an amazing man.

Any fun things coming up?
Going to visit my friends Barbara and Lily tomorrow night. Going to start trying to return extra Baby shower gifts tomorrow - we were blessed with *so* much - I suppose it was inevitable that some of the gifts would be duplicates. (We got *three* Moby wraps!) Dinner with Marquinta Wednesday night at India House. My mother-in-law's birthday is coming up, so I am making a lemon cake for that. Easter brunch at Northwoods with the in-laws and having family over for coffee and cake Sunday night (my Sweetheart's birthday is the next day). As long as the Baby's room is painted really soon, we can move all the stuff upstairs and that's pretty exciting, too!

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