04 January 2005

Whew! That was a close one!

Libraries in Buffalo and Erie County won't be closing after all: "B&ECPL staff wish to extend a sincere thank-you to the thousands of people who expressed support for the Library System during this recent fiscal crisis. Whether you shared your concern with public officials, spoke passionately at public hearings, attended a rally, involved your neighbors, wrote a letter to the editor of your local paper, signed a petition (More than 41,000 signatures were received!) or distributed printed information, your efforts made a tremendous impact. The collaboration this community exhibits in times of adversity must be commended. Although funding from Erie County has been reduced from 2004 levels, the B&ECPL will continue its work to provide you and your family with the highest quality library services possible in 2005." Hours will be cut, but the libraries remain open.

For now.

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